Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Policy Barriers in equalizing the vaccine

Difficulties or barriers we may face in attempting to equalize access to the vaccine is the conception that having 60 per cent of women vaccinated against HPV will afford males "herd protection." While vastly inaccurate, not to mention sexist with clear implications of affording men and boys exemption from worrying or protecting themselves or their partner against HPV, this mentality is prevalent when addressing whether parents or boys themselves will choose to be vaccinated.

In addition, Merck like all drug companies, is a powerful organization which have proved traditionally stubborn in response to public protest. As Merck in particular is a privately operated company which generates mass revenues which are not directly linked to the individuals who purchase their drugs, they are not obliged to be particularly responsive to the outcries of the Canadian public at large. This could prove to be extremely stagnating as we seek to equalize access to the HPV between the genders within our time frame, as opposed to theirs.

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